The online portal will be closed on Sep 3 @ 5 pm until Sep 9 @ 9 am

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  • ODSP Health Care Virtual Guide

    As health care professionals working in Ontario, optometrists may be asked to complete Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) applications on behalf of their patients. The Ontario Ministry is streamlining this...more
  • Scope of Practice Change Proposals for Ontario Optometry

    The profession of optometry in Ontario has been working on regulatory changes to expand the scope of practice for optometrists. A tripartite working group, consisting of the College of Optometrists...more
  • Council Highlights – June 21, 2024

    Council met on Friday, June 21, 2024, for a regularly scheduled meeting. During this meeting, Council approved several motions that were brought forward by the Audit/Finance/Risk, Registration, Quality Assurance, and...more
  • Council Highlights – March 22, 2024

    Council met on Friday, March 22, 2024, for a regularly scheduled meeting. During this meeting, Council received a presentation from Dr. Zubin Austin, and approved four motions that were brought...more

    Overview The College Performance Measurement Framework, CPMF, is a tool that requires all health regulatory colleges to report on their performance in the standards that the Ministry deems are best...more

Discipline Information